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Financial Statements
Other Financial Instruments, Derivatives and Currency Risk
Notes to Financial Statements
Basis of Presentation and Overview
Significant Accounting Policies
Acquisitions and Divestments
Assets Held for Sale
Supplemental Financial Information
Restructuring Charges
Income Taxes
Accounts Receivable, net
Inventories, net
Property, Plant and Equipment, net
Identified Intangible Assets
Postretirement Benefit Plans
Commitments and Contingencies
Stockholders' Equity and Earnings per Share
Share-based Compensation
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Related-party Transactions
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities
Segments and Geographical Information
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Acquisitions and Divestments (Tables)
Assets Held for Sale (Tables)
Supplemental Financial Information (Tables)
Restructuring Charges (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Accounts Receivable, net (Tables)
Inventories, net (Tables)
Property, Plant and Equipment, net (Tables)
Identified Intangible Assets (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Postretirement Benefit Plans (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Leases (Tables)
Stockholders' Equity and Earnings per Share (Tables)
Share-based Compensation (Tables)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Tables)
Related-party Transactions (Tables)
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Segments and Geographical Information (Tables)
Notes Details
Basis of Presentation and Overview - Narrative (Details)
Significant Accounting Policies - Narrative (Detail)
Significant Accounting Policies - Exchange Rates for U.S. Dollars into Euros Applicable for Translation of NXP's Financial Statements (Detail)
Significant Accounting Policies - Gross Notional Amounts of Company's Foreign Currency Derivatives by Currency (Detail)
Acquisitions and Divestments - Narrative (Detail)
Acquisitions and Divestments - Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed (Details)
Acquisitions and Divestments - Intangible Assets Acquired (Details)
Acquisitions and Divestments - Pro Forma Information (Details)
Assets Held for Sale - Narrative (Details)
Assets Held for Sale - Summary of carrying value of assets deld for sale (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information - Disaggregation of revenue (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information - Depreciation, amortization and impairment (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information - Other income (expense) (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information - Financial income and expense (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information (Details) - Equity investments
Supplemental Financial Information - Summary of carrying value of investments in equity-accounted investees (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information - Results relating to equity-accounted investees (Details)
Supplemental Financial Information - Narrative (Details)
Restructuring Charges - Narrative (Details)
Restructuring Charges - Change in Restructuring Reserve (Details)
Restructuring Charges - Schedule of Components of Restructuring Charges (Details)
Restructuring Charges - Schedule of Restructuring Charges Recorded in Operating Income (Details)
Income Taxes - Narrative (Detail)
Income Taxes - Components of Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes (Detail)
Income Taxes - Components of Benefit (Expense) for Income Taxes (Detail)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of Statutory Income Tax Rate (Detail)
Income Taxes - Principal Components of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Detail)
Income Taxes - Classification of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities in Consolidated Balance Sheets (Detail)
Income Taxes - Expiration of Tax Loss Carryforwards (Detail)
Income Taxes - Expiration of Tax Credit Carryforwards (Detail)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of Unrecognized Tax Benefits (Detail)
Accounts Receivable, net - Summary (Detail)
Accounts Receivable, net - Summary of Accounts Receivable, Net Disaggregated By Sales Channel (Detail)
Inventories, net - Summary of Inventory (Detail)
Inventories, net - Narrative (Detail)
Property, Plant and Equipment, net - Summary (Detail)
Property, Plant and Equipment, net - Narrative (Detail)
Identified Intangible Assets - Summary of Changes in Identified Intangible Assets (Details)
Identified Intangible Assets - Summary of Identified Intangible Assets (Details)
Identified Intangible Assets - Schedule of Estimated Amortization Expense (Details)
Identified Intangible Assets - Narrative (Details)
Goodwill - Schedule of Changes in Goodwill (Detail)
Goodwill - Additional Information (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Narrative (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Summary of PME Multi-Employer Plan (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Summary of Changes in Pension Benefit Obligations and Defined-Benefit Pension Plan Assets (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Summary of Weighted Average Assumptions Used to Calculate Projected Benefit Obligations (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Summary of Weighted Average Assumptions Used Calculate Net Periodic Pension Cost (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Components of Net Periodic Pension Costs (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Summary of Actual Pension Plan Asset Allocation (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Classification of Pension Plan Assets (Detail)
Postretirement Benefit Plans - Summary of Estimated Future Pension Benefit Payments (Detail)
Debt - Schedule of Outstanding Debt (Details)
Debt - Schedule of Long-Term Debt (Detail)
Debt - Principal Amounts of Long-Term Debt (Detail)
Debt - Outstanding Debt, Debt Issuance Costs, Premium (Details)
Debt - 2020 Financing Activities (Details)
Debt - 2019 Cash Convertible Senior Notes (Details)
Leases - Narrative (Details)
Leases - Components of Lease Costs (Details)
Leases - Other Information Related to Leases (Details)
Leases - Future Minimum Lease Payments (Details)
Leases - Lease Liabilities (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies - Narrative (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity and Earnings per Share - Narrative (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity and Earnings per Share - Schedule of Cash Dividends (Details)
Stockholders' Equity and Earnings per Share - Schedule of Transactions from Employee Option and Share Plans (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity and Earnings per Share - Computation of Earnings per Share (EPS) (Detail)
Share-based Compensation - Schedule of Share-Based Compensation Expense (Detail)
Share-based Compensation - Narrative (Detail)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of Stock Options and Changes (Long Term Incentive Plans) (Detail)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of Performance Share Units (Detail)
Share-based Compensation - Summary of Restricted Share Units (Detail)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) - Schedule of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax (Detail)
Related-party Transactions - Schedule of Amounts Related to Revenue and Other Income and Purchase of Goods and Services Incurred in Transactions (Details)
Related-party Transactions - Schedule of Amounts Related to Receivable and Payable Balances with Related Parties (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities - Summary of Financial Instruments (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Segments and Geographical Information - Geographical Information (Details)
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