DISCLAIMER This Valuation Report does not address the relative merits of any transaction involving any of the companies discussed herein as compared to other business strategies or transactions that might be available to such entities. This Valuation Report does not constitute a recommendation to any shareholder as to how such shareholder should vote, tender or act with respect to any transaction. UBS expresses no opinion as to the price at which any securities of NXP Semiconductors N.V. (“NXP”) will trade at any time. In connection with this Valuation Report, UBS has, among other things: (i) reviewed certain publicly available business and financial information relating to NXP and other companies we believe to be generally relevant; (ii) reviewed current and historical market prices of the common stock of NXP and certain other companies we believe to be generally relevant; (iii) compared the financial terms of the QUALCOMM Incorporated’s tender offer for NXP with the publicly available financial terms of other transactions we believe to be generally relevant; and (iv) conducted such other financial studies, analyses and investigations, and considered such other information, as we deemed necessary or appropriate. UBS has not reviewed any of NXP’s internal financial information, forecasts or other data that is not publicly available, nor has UBS conducted any discussions with management of NXP. In addition, UBS has not made any independent evaluation or appraisal of any of the assets or liabilities (contingent or otherwise) of NXP, nor has it been furnished with any such evaluation or appraisal. This Valuation Report is provided solely pursuant to Elliott's engagement of UBS in connection with, and for the purpose of, Elliott's evaluation of NXP’s common stock.This Valuation Report has been prepared by UBS AG and/or its subsidiaries, branches or affiliates (together, “UBS”) for the use of Elliott Associates, L.P., Elliott International, L.P., and their affiliates (collectively, “Elliott”) pursuant to Elliott’s engagement of UBS. The information in this Valuation Report has been obtained from publicly available sources and has not been independently verified by UBS or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives or advisers or any other person. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is or will be given by UBS or its directors, officers, employees and/or agents as to or in relation to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or sufficiency of the information contained in this Valuation Report or as to the reasonableness of any assumption contained therein, and to the maximum extent permitted by law and except in the case of fraud, UBS and each of its directors, officers, employees and agents expressly disclaim any liability which may arise from this Valuation Report and any errors contained therein and/or omissions therefrom or from any use of the contents of this Valuation Report.This Valuation Report should not be regarded by the recipient as a substitute for the exercise of its own judgment and the recipient is expected to rely on its own due diligence if it wishes to proceed further. The valuations, projections, estimates, forecasts, targets, prospects, returns and/or opinions contained herein involve elements of subjective judgement and analysis. Any opinions expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by other business areas or groups of UBS as a result of using different assumptions and criteria. This Valuation Report may contain forward-looking statements. UBS gives no undertaking and is under no obligation to update these forward-looking statements for events or circumstances that occur subsequent to the date of this Valuation Report or to update or keep current any of the information contained herein and this Valuation Report is not a representation by UBS that it will do so. Any estimates or projections as to events that may occur in the future (including projections of revenue, expense, net income and stock performance) are based upon the best judgment of UBS from publicly available information as of the date of this Valuation Report. Any statements, estimates, projections or other pricing are accurate only as at the date of this Valuation Report. There is no guarantee that any of these estimates or projections will be achieved. Actual results will vary from the projections and such variations may be material. UBS has neither sought nor obtained the consent from any third party to use any statements or information contained herein that have been obtained or derived from statements made or published by such third parties. Any such statements or information should not be viewed as indicating the support of such third parties for the views expressed herein. UBS makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of those statements.Nothing contained herein is, or shall be relied upon as, a promise or representation as to the past or future. This Valuation Report speaks as at the date hereof (unless an earlier date is otherwise indicated in the Valuation Report) and in giving this Valuation Report, no obligation is undertaken and nor is any representation or undertaking given by any person to provide the recipient with additional information or to update, revise or reaffirm the information contained in this Valuation Report or to correct any inaccuracies therein which may become apparent.This Valuation Report has been prepared solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as a solicitation, invitation or an offer by UBS or any of its directors, officers, employees or agents to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments or any of the assets, business or undertakings described herein and no legal relations shall be created. The recipient should not construe the contents of this Valuation Report as legal, tax, accounting or investment advice or a personal recommendation. The recipient should consult its own counsel, tax and financial advisers as to legal and related matters concerning any transaction described herein. This Valuation Report does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all of the information that the recipient may require. No investment, divestment or other financial decisions or actions should be based solely on the information in this Valuation Report.This Valuation Report has been prepared solely pursuant to Elliott's engagement of UBS in connection with, and for the purpose of, Elliott's evaluation of NXP's common stock. UBS shall be free to disclose all or part of the Valuation Report as required by any law, regulation or order of a court or pursuant to an order, requirement or request of a regulatory body having authority over UBS (including the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority), or pursuant to governmental action, or necessary in the view of UBS to seek to establish any defence in any legal or regulatory proceeding or investigation or otherwise to comply with its own regulatory obligations.By accepting this Valuation Report, Elliott acknowledges and agrees that UBS is acting, and will at all times act, as an independent contractor on an arm’s length basis and is not acting, and will not act, in any other capacity, including in a fiduciary capacity, with respect to Elliott. UBS may only be regarded by the recipient as acting on its behalf as financial adviser or otherwise following the execution of appropriate documentation between UBS and the recipient on mutually satisfactory terms.UBS may from time to time, as principal or agent, be involved in a wide range of commercial banking and investment banking activities globally (including investment advisory, asset management, research, securities issuance, trading (customer and proprietary) and brokerage), have long or short positions in, or may trade or make a market in any securities, currencies, financial instruments or other assets underlying the transaction to which this Valuation Report relates. UBS’s banking, trading and/or hedging activities may have an impact on the price of the underlying asset and may give rise to conflicting interests or duties. UBS may provide services to any member of the same group as Elliott or any other entity or person (a “Third Party”), engage in any transaction (on its own account or otherwise) with respect to Elliott or a Third Party, or act in relation to any matter for itself or any Third Party, notwithstanding that such services, transactions or actions may be adverse to Elliott or any member of its group, and UBS may retain for its own benefit any related remuneration or profit.This Valuation Report may contain references to research produced by UBS. Research is produced for the benefit of the firm’s investing clients. The primary objectives of each analyst in the research department are: to analyse the companies, industries and countries they cover and forecast their financial and economic performance; as a result, to form opinions on the value and future behaviour of securities issued by the companies they cover; and to convey that information to UBS’ investing clients. Each issuer is covered by the Research Department at its sole discretion. The Research Department produces research independently of other UBS business areas and UBS AG business groups.© UBS 2017. All rights reserved. UBS specifically prohibits the redistribution of this material in whole or in part without the prior written permission of UBS and UBS accepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect.